воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

disabled law parking

I went to Huddersfield.
We drank red wine.
I stayed in a hotel and stole biscuits.
My cousins have new girlfriends, they seem nice.
My Stepmum had the same bag from Primark.
I bought three books from a charity shop.
My great Auntie Joan had a party to celebrate her 50th wedding anniversary.
Me and my brother taught an 8-year old telepathy methods.
We smuggled wine out.
I slept on a train.
I bought pajama bottoms which are far too big on me.
I am going to have soup and finish reading about Veronika.

drinking game for two, disabled law parking, disabled law students, disabled laws, disabled lawyer veteran.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

boulder bay realty

I got an A on a paper I had to write for my literature class, which is quite good because heapos;s a hard grader. My previous paper I barely scraped a B, so I feel more confident now. I also got an A on a quiz, which wasnapos;t worth a ton, but does show that I might do okay on the midterm. Unfortunately, I feel like I am going to fail chem, get a C in political science, and probably do mediocre in German. Why is it the classes I care the least about, I do the best job in?
boulder bay realty, boulder bars, boulder barrows, boulder barbers.

educational credit management corp

For those curious, screener copies have been released online of the Jared Padalecki movie, Christmas Cottage. Some BT networks have them. For example, isohunt.com shows a BT network had the movie up over ten weeks ago. :-) Even the Pirate Bay had it up over two months ago.

D00d, my SPN f-list gets an F for not telling me this weeks ago. Ah, a apos;straight to DVDapos; movie, hehe. Though, probably cannot beat the glory of Devour. ;-p Itapos;s no wonder Jensen gets cast again as a character of dubious... Dietary preferences.

decode sql function, educational credit management corp.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dramatic conventions

Today is a day that I really love living in California.� Avery, Finn and I rode our bikes (well, they rode in the trailer) to the craft store to get some finishing touches on Averyapos;s costume and then we rode to this random "park" that just has a little bit of grass and water shooting out of the ground.� Avery had a blast, I canapos;t believe weapos;ve never stopped and played before� We played for about an hour and when it was time to go, he quickly came over to me and hopped in the bike trailer.� Where did my monster go?� We had maybe only 1 tantrum today, it was a good day.� I think I have myself a good kid ;)
dramatic conventions, dramatic convention, dramatic contemporary monologues, dramatic contemporary.

clinical clinical paper supervision

last cigarette: Never
last car ride: In Brandonrsquo;s Volvo home from school.
last good cry: Watching Jim Gaffigan with Brandon and Derek re: Hot Pockets
last library book checked out: I. Have. No. Idea.

last movie seen: My Best Friendrsquo;s Girl
last cuss word uttered: Probably just the last time I talked about Jason, so last night.
last beverage drank: Water
last tv show watched: The Ultimate Fighter
last time showered: this morning
last shoes worn: Some Merona work shoes.
last cd played: Would have to be Alyrsquo;s CD she played on my computer.

last item bought: Airborne, Acai juice, donuts
last downloaded: 5 gigs of top songs from
Pirate Bay
last annoyance: One of my roommates, last night.
last disappointment: When I found out I got a question wrong on my homework for Chemistry, but then later found out I wasnrsquo;t wrong (I was disappointed when I thought it was wrong though).
last soda drank: Diet Pepsi (donrsquo;t like it, but therersquo;s a stock of it at work)
last thing written: Phone number for some guy who left a message (work)
last key used: Key to the
Auburn office to unlock the front door.
last word spoken: ldquo;Yup.�Yup.�Yup.rdquo;
last sleep: �
1:30 am to 6:00 am this morning
last IM: Rayna before I left for
Bellingham last week.
last ice cream eaten: Blueberry shake from Herfyrsquo;shellip; had an allergic reaction.
last time amused: �Last night by Amanda doing handstands and stuff.
last time wanting to die: �Donrsquo;t know that Irsquo;ve ever wanted to die.
last time hugged: Uhhh.. Aly maybe a couple days ago?
last time scolded: �Donrsquo;t really remember, been a while.
last time resentful: �Donrsquo;t remember.
last chair sat in: The one at my desk at work, that Irsquo;m sitting in right now.
last underwear worn: Body Glove boxer-briefs
last shirt worn: Brown Gap Polo

clinical clinical paper supervision, clinical clinical instructor supervision, clinical clinical drug pain trial trial, clinical clerkships.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

demarco angela

More humorous reactionary reactions from those funster neocons at the National Review, from tonightapos;s debate...�

"McCain lacked the killer instinct.. . .And that . . .explains those insta-polls. McCain has no one to blame but himself."

"A couple folks here have been saying that McCain is doing better than in the previous two debates. I wish it were true, but I just donapos;t see it. I think a few times McCain has come across as spluttering."

"A minute
they spend on whoapos;s being meaner or more dishonest in this campaign is a minute that helps Obama."

"To be honest, I donapos;t think Mac works hard enough to master the economic issues, especially tax cuts and growth. He has supply-side policies, but he is not a supply-sider. It shows when he talks about that stuff."

if the dissatisfactions with McCain expressed to me at the Palin rally in Laconia, NH today are anything to go by, thereapos;s a 60-40�probability that any cries of "Kill him" at a GOP event are directed at our guy."

Frankly, I�liked it best when McCain credited Hillary Clinton with his plan for buying peopleapos;s houses for them... With no exception for the speculators who were scooping up multiple houses and flipping them, either.

It was a stupid idea when Hillary suggested it... And I criticized it then, as a gimme for the crappy subprime lenders and speculators.� Itapos;s even more stupid now. Obamaapos;s plan of negotiating fixed-rate mortgages for peopleapos;s primary residences makes a lot more sense... And puts the burden where it belongs

Really, itapos;s an idea as flawed as Hillarycare, Mk. I, only with more gimmes for the people who got us in to this mess. This is *precisely* why Hillaryapos;s close connections with lobbyists and their money were so damning when she was running against Obama... And it explains why McCain is acting like McClinton.

Given that John McCain isnapos;t a Democrat, the only other excuse I�can think of for adopting such a policy is that heapos;s running on the National Socialist ticket this year.

demarco angela, demarco adams, demarco, demarcken.

communication company film

So, the H2O/Bane show Iapos;m thinking of seeing is now at a club called Gravity, in (hopefully) the same place as the school trip is that day, but apparently, itapos;s in a 1,500 capacity club with a huge stage. Thatapos;s H2O and Bane playing something roughly one and a half times the size of the Metro, by comparison.

Who booked that date and who changed it from Strummers? Not that Iapos;ve ever been to Strummers, but it seems kind of unlikely 1,000 (or more) kids are going to show up for H2O in Pittsburgh.
communication company film, communication company east in mid, communication company consulting, communication company.