четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

demarco angela

More humorous reactionary reactions from those funster neocons at the National Review, from tonightapos;s debate...�

"McCain lacked the killer instinct.. . .And that . . .explains those insta-polls. McCain has no one to blame but himself."

"A couple folks here have been saying that McCain is doing better than in the previous two debates. I wish it were true, but I just donapos;t see it. I think a few times McCain has come across as spluttering."

"A minute
they spend on whoapos;s being meaner or more dishonest in this campaign is a minute that helps Obama."

"To be honest, I donapos;t think Mac works hard enough to master the economic issues, especially tax cuts and growth. He has supply-side policies, but he is not a supply-sider. It shows when he talks about that stuff."

if the dissatisfactions with McCain expressed to me at the Palin rally in Laconia, NH today are anything to go by, thereapos;s a 60-40�probability that any cries of "Kill him" at a GOP event are directed at our guy."

Frankly, I�liked it best when McCain credited Hillary Clinton with his plan for buying peopleapos;s houses for them... With no exception for the speculators who were scooping up multiple houses and flipping them, either.

It was a stupid idea when Hillary suggested it... And I criticized it then, as a gimme for the crappy subprime lenders and speculators.� Itapos;s even more stupid now. Obamaapos;s plan of negotiating fixed-rate mortgages for peopleapos;s primary residences makes a lot more sense... And puts the burden where it belongs

Really, itapos;s an idea as flawed as Hillarycare, Mk. I, only with more gimmes for the people who got us in to this mess. This is *precisely* why Hillaryapos;s close connections with lobbyists and their money were so damning when she was running against Obama... And it explains why McCain is acting like McClinton.

Given that John McCain isnapos;t a Democrat, the only other excuse I�can think of for adopting such a policy is that heapos;s running on the National Socialist ticket this year.

demarco angela, demarco adams, demarco, demarcken.

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